Representative Membership
Representative membership in the Association is open to independent manufacturers’ representatives for power transmission and motion control equipment who sell primarily through distribution or to designated markets. Membership includes individuals and firms, such as sole proprietorship, partnerships, and corporations.
Qualifications: The applicant must represent at least two manufacturers in the product category and must operate under contracts or agreements for specific territories. An applicant must not be under the control of a distributor and must be free of financial control by any manufacturer. All applicants must also agree to comply with the Association’s Code of Ethics as approved by the Board of Directors.

Principal (Manufacturer) Membership
Qualifications: The applicant must be principally a manufacturer of bearings, power transmission, or motion control products and not solely a trading company, importer, or brand name merchandiser. The applicant must maintain an office and warehouse facilities within the North American Continent and must be sponsored by one PTRA Representative member firms.

Associate Membership
Qualifications: The applicant must be in the business of providing goods or services to manufacturers or manufacturers’ representatives in the power transmission and motion control industry. The applicant must maintain a registered office in North America. The applicant must be sponsored by at least one member firm.
